"Мягкие" конфликты для tt1819-2.fet Составлено с помощью FET 6.3.0 07.03.2022 14:55 Number of broken soft constraints: 7 Total soft conflicts: 4.3 Список "мягких" конфликтов (в порядке убывания): Time constraint min days between activities broken: activity with id=801 ( 1/3 - Егорова О.А. - Рус. яз. - 11А) conflicts with activity with id=800 ( 1/3 - Егорова О.А. - Рус. яз. - 11А), being 1 days too close, on days ВТ and ВТ, conflicts factor increase=0.9. The activities are placed consecutively in the timetable, because you selected this option in case the activities are in the same day Time constraint min days between activities broken: activity with id=844 ( 1/2 - Голикова А.П. - Химия - 10А) conflicts with activity with id=843 (1/2 - Голикова А.П. - Химия - 10А), being 1 days too close, on days ПТ and ПТ, conflicts factor increase=0.9. The activities are placed consecutively in the timetable, because you selected this option in case the activities are in the same day Time constraint min days between activities broken: activity with id=857 ( 1/3 - Голиков С.Н. - Физ-ра - 8Б) conflicts with activity with id=856 (1/3 - Голиков С.Н. - Физ-ра - 8Б), being 1 days too close, on days ВТ and ВТ, conflicts factor increase=0.9. The activities are placed consecutively in the timetable, because you selected this option in case the activities are in the same day Time constraint activity preferred time slots broken for activity with id=836 ( 1/4 - Черноус А.В. - Алгебра - 11А) on 1 hours, increases conflicts total by 0.8 Time constraint activity preferred time slots broken for activity with id=838 ( 1/2 - Черноус А.В. - Геометрия - 11А) on 1 hours, increases conflicts total by 0.8 Time constraint min days between activities broken: activity with id=711 ( 1/3 - Ахтемова Н.Ю. - Англ. яз. - 8Б-1) conflicts with activity with id=710 (1/3 - Ахтемова Н.Ю. - Англ. яз. - 8Б-1), being 1 days too close, on days ПН and ПН, conflicts factor increase=0. The activities are placed consecutively in the timetable, because you selected this option in case the activities are in the same day Time constraint min days between activities broken: activity with id=717 ( 1/3 - Мурадасилова Н.А. - Англ. яз. - 8Б-2) conflicts with activity with id=716 (1/3 - Мурадасилова Н.А. - Англ. яз. - 8Б-2), being 1 days too close, on days ПН and ПН, conflicts factor increase=0. The activities are placed consecutively in the timetable, because you selected this option in case the activities are in the same day Конец файла.